Once upon a time, there was a typographer who was testing letterspacing on drop caps. She used lorem ipsum as filler text. And so the rest of this text... unless you read Latin... makes no sense at all. Etiam lacinia venenatis quam, vitae malesuada mi posuere pretium.
And when she tested the drop caps, she needed to use various first letters. Donec odio mi, imperdiet aliquam vehicula non, porta eu sapien. Curabitur lacinia, nisl sed imperdiet fermentum, est neque faucibus leo.
The drop caps used a span with no image method. Pellentesque non sem ac nulla lacinia tristique ut eu elit. Praesent malesuada mattis rhoncus. Morbi sollicitudin urna quis quam consequat euismod. Nulla arcu orci, tempus congue luctus vitae.
Many shapes were represented. A round O, a triangular A, an open T, and a square M. Praesent malesuada mattis rhoncus. Morbi sollicitudin urna quis quam consequat euismod.
Historically, initial letters were used to mark the start of a new section of text. Should you choose to use a drop cap, use your eyes, too. Vel placerat neque erat in velit.
Quickly she tested letterspacing on drop caps. She used lorem ipsum as filler text. And so the rest of this text... unless you read Latin... makes no sense at all. Etiam lacinia venenatis quam, vitae malesuada mi posuere pretium.
Initially, she didn’t test the letter I, but it’s a narrow letter and should be considered. These drop caps were created by spanning a class called “dropcap” around the first letter of the first paragraph.
Eventually, she needed to create multiple classes to control spacing. Otherwise, some drop caps looked too tight and others looked too loose. Nam leo turpis, tincidunt ut ultricies in, porta placerat quam. Praesent malesuada mattis rhoncus.
Use a margin-top to place the initial letter where you want it. Traditionally, the top of a drop cap lines up horizontally with the text block. Use a padding-right to create space between the initial letter and the text.
Can you use a margin-top to place the initial letter where you want it? Of course. Traditionally, the top of a drop cap lines up horizontally with the text block. Use a padding-right to create space between the initial letter and the text.
Kittens don’t actually die if we use poor letterspacing. But if we’re creating a decorative element, it should be as beautiful as possible. Nam leo turpis, tincidunt ut ultricies in, porta placerat quam.
Later she realized she hadn’t tested the letter L, but it’s an open letter and should be considered. These drop caps were created by spanning a class called “dropcap” around the first letter of the first paragraph. Nam leo turpis, tincidunt ut ultricies in.
She used the first-letter method in some tests. But not this one. Pellentesque non sem ac nulla lacinia tristique ut eu elit. Praesent malesuada mattis rhoncus. Morbi sollicitudin urna quis quam consequat euismod.
Various letters were used when she tested the drop caps. Donec odio mi, imperdiet aliquam vehicula non, porta eu sapien. Curabitur lacinia, nisl sed imperdiet fermentum, est neque faucibus leo.
Yet she tried to represent many shapes. Many shapes were represented. A round O, a triangular A, an open T, and a square M. Praesent malesuada mattis rhoncus. Morbi sollicitudin urna quis quam consequat euismod. Nulla arcu orci.
Really, she tried to represent many shapes. Many shapes were represented. A round O, a triangular A, an open T, and a square M. Praesent malesuada mattis rhoncus. Morbi sollicitudin urna.
Just then she realized she didn’t initially test the letter J, but it’s a narrow letter and should be considered. These drop caps were created by spanning a class called “dropcap” around the first letter of the paragraph.
Presently she realized she didn’t initially test the letter P, but it’s round bowl and open space should be considered. These drop caps were created by spanning a class called “dropcap” around the first letter of the first paragraph.